Homemade Labneh Recipe

Labneh is a soft, creamy cheese made from strained yogurt. It is very versatile and can be served with sweet or savory toppings, like granola and fruit or za’atar spice, for example. Learn how to make homemade labneh with this simple labneh recipe!

Nutrition information
Prep time
Homemade Labneh Recipe

Labneh is a soft, creamy cheese made from strained yogurt. It is very versatile and can be served with sweet or savory toppings, like granola and fruit or za’atar spice, for example. Learn how to make homemade labneh with this simple labneh recipe!

Labneh is a soft, creamy cheese made from strained yogurt. It is very versatile and can be served with sweet or savory toppings, like granola and fruit or za’atar spice, for example. Learn how to make homemade labneh with this simple labneh recipe!

Nutrition information
Prep time


For Garnish


  1. In a small bowl, add salt to yogurt and mix.
  2. Line a fine-mesh strainer with cheesecloth and place over the top of a medium-sized bowl.
  3. Spoon the yogurt into the strainer with cheesecloth and wrap the sides of the cheesecloth over the yogurt to protect it.
  4. Store in the refrigerator for 24 to 48 hours (the liquid whey will drain into the bowl).
  5. Discard the liquid and move cheese into a serving dish.
  6. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with za'atar seasoning.


Nutritional information calculated with whole milk yogurt

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Nutrition Information

  • Per serving
  • Calories 90
  • Total Fat 6g
  • Cholesterol 16mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 6g
  • Protein 4g