Discover Milk’s Nutritional Value

  • Article
  • 2 min read May 2, 2019

Milk is a simple and delicious way to get important nutrients your body needs.

Whether it’s chocolate, strawberry, whole fat, low fat (1%), reduced fat (2%), fat free, or comes in a gallon jug or little paper carton in a cafeteria—no matter what type of milk you choose, you can feel great knowing you are getting all of milk’s 13 essential nutrients.

Despite myths you may have heard, the milk you buy does not have antibiotics, and does not cause acne. Healthy dietary patterns that include dairy foods like milk, cheese and yogurt have even been shown to help reduce risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

Dairy Milk Nutritional Facts

You can be confident each glass of milk you pour for you and your family has:

  • 8 grams of high-quality protein, or 16% of your daily needs, that your body relies on for growth and repair.
  • 25% of the calcium you need each day, which helps your body build healthy bones and teeth (dairy is the No. 1 sources of calcium in the American diet!)
  • 15% of the vitamin D you need each day, which works with calcium to help build healthy bones, and can also help fight inflammation
  • 20% of your daily phosphorus needs, which helps build and maintain strong bones and tissues
  • 15% of the vitamin A you need each day, which helps keep your eyes and skin healthy
  • 50% of your vitamin B12 needs for each day, which helps keep the nervous system healthy
  • 30% of riboflavin, which helps your body use carbohydrates, protein and fat as fuel
  • 20% vitamin B5, which similar to riboflavin, helps your body use carbohydrates, protein and fat as fuel
  • 15% of your daily niacin needs, which your body uses to help energy metabolism.
  • 10% of potassium to maintain a healthy blood pressure and supports heart health, helps regulate body fluid balance and helps maintain normal muscle function.  
  • 10% of zinc needed daily to maintain a healthy immune system, helps support normal growth and development and helps maintain healthy skin.  
  • 10% of selenium to help maintain a healthy immune system and regulate metabolism, plus help protect healthy cells from damage.
  • 60% of iodine necessary for proper bone and brain development during pregnancy and infancy; linked to cognitive function in childhood.

Check out this article if you have more questions about whether milk is good for you, and to learn more milk nutition facts.