Breakfast banana split with cottage cheese and fruit

Banana Split for Breakfast

You can have dessert for breakfast with this version of a sundae favorite. By replacing the traditional Banana Split ingredients with cottage cheese and fruits, you can transform this dessert into a breakfast-worthy banana split. Creamy cottage cheese is the perfect palette for a rainbow of fruits, proving once again that plants plus dairy make the ultimate power couple. Find out how to make a Banana Split without the ice cream.


Prep time
Banana Split for Breakfast

You can have dessert for breakfast with this version of a sundae favorite. By replacing the traditional Banana Split ingredients with cottage cheese and fruits, you can transform this dessert into a breakfast-worthy banana split. Creamy cottage cheese is the perfect palette for a rainbow of fruits, proving once again that plants plus dairy make the ultimate power couple. Find out how to make a Banana Split without the ice cream.


You can have dessert for breakfast with this version of a sundae favorite. By replacing the traditional Banana Split ingredients with cottage cheese and fruits, you can transform this dessert into a breakfast-worthy banana split. Creamy cottage cheese is the perfect palette for a rainbow of fruits, proving once again that plants plus dairy make the ultimate power couple. Find out how to make a Banana Split without the ice cream.


Prep time


For Garnishes (optional)


  1. Peel banana and use a knife to slice it in half widthwise. 
  2. Arrange banana on a serving plate and top with dollops of cottage cheese.
  3. Spoon strawberries, blueberries and raspberries over banana and sprinkle with barley cereal. 
  4. If desired, top with your favorite garnishes, such as chopped fresh mint, a drizzle of honey and a fresh cherry.


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