Dairy Plant Food Safety Controls

Dairy Plant Food Safety Workshops

Focused on pathogen-control guidelines and principles, the goal of the Innovation Center’s Food Safety Committee is to develop and encourage industry adoption of in-plant pathogen control programs. The Dairy Plant Food Safety Workshop is offered several times each year to provide hands-on, interactive learning, tools and templates. Attendees learn food safety fundamentals from a group of industrywide expert trainers who leverage their quality leadership and in-plant roles to answer tough questions. The classes mix lecture, hands-on activities, and team exercises to develop programs including EMP, SSOPs, and troubleshooting.

Workshop Registration

Food safety infograph

Dairy Plant Food Safety Resources (materials used or referenced in the class)

Control of Pathogens: Guidance for the U.S. Dairy Industry
Comprehensive guidance document on pathogen controls which follows the ‘Pathogen Equation’

Dairy Equipment Design Checklist
This is the list you will need for evaluating equipment designs for dairy equipment designs.

Dairy Facility Design Check list
This is the list you will need for evaluating facility designs for a dairy facility.

Dairy Pathogen Control Program Assessment
This is the list you will need for evaluating a pathogen control program for the dairy industry.

Seven steps of effective wet sanitation | (En Español)
This list will walk you through the Good, Bad and Ugly.

Seven steps of effective dry sanitation
This list will walk you through the Good, Bad and Ugly.

Powder Sanitizer Validation for LM RTE Plants
This document helps meat and poultry processors to identify and share best practices for control.

Sanitation SOP Development
This form has been designed to provide a guide in assessing sanitation needs and procedures.

Free online Hygienic Design of Equipment and Facilities Courses from 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc.

The information provided on this website and in the related materials/links is for informational purposes only, and may not be used as a substitute for legal advice regarding food safety laws in any jurisdiction. The federal government restricts how raw milk may be used in cheese, and some state and local laws restrict the sale of raw milk or use of raw milk in dairy products. Training materials and presentations are based on compliance with federal laws. The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, makes no representation or warranty with respect to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of any information provided in the website content, links or materials. We recommend that users of this site consult an attorney concerning the laws applicable to any particular situation. By using this site and the materials/links provided, the users agree to release the Innovation Center for U. S. Dairy from any and all liability that may result from your use of the information provided in the materials.